Pleasant Hill Elementary PTA

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  Bike PHE   |   Enrichment   |   STEAM Zone  |   About  

PTA General Meetings are held generally on the third Tuesday at 2:50pm in-person outdoors and/or via Zoom:
Aug 20, Oct 1, Nov 19, Jan 28, March 25, May 20

Sign up for weekly e-news!

Save the Date:

Fun Run - Friday, 9/27

                  Register your student(s) at

Your student can win daily prizes based on how much they raise per lap

Classes also earn prizes based on class-wide fundraising totals

Key Dates to Remember:

💻 Sign up online OPEN at – Start TODAY!

🎉 Fundraiser Kickoff in school – 09/18/2024

👟 Event Day – 09/27/2024

The Fun Run is an annual fall fundraiser for the PHE PTA. On Friday, September 27th, every student will run as many laps as they can in about 45 minutes. The laps will get tallied on the back of the free PHE shirt each student will receive. Together we will work to raise $120,000 to pay for the staff support positions the PTA is proud to fund - STEAM Lab, Garden Lab, Reading Lab (teacher & assistant) and additional instructional assistants.  We appreciate all the support our community can give.

Thank you!

Help Needed!

Our school community is so amazing because of all the support we get from families - both in donations and volunteer time. Please let us know how you can help by filling out this volunteer survey for the 2023/2024 school year.

Bike PHE is our bike club at Pleasant Hill Elementary School, sponsored by the PTA.

Bike PHE hosts a number of programs throughout the year to promote active transportation to and from school for our WHOLE community. 

Learn more and register here
