Bike PHE

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Join Bike PHE

Bike PHE is our bike club at Pleasant Hill Elementary School, sponsored by the PTA. Our goal is to promote active transportation to and from school for our entire community. 

The Pleasant Hill BFF

Mark your calendars for the Pleasant Hill Bike Family Festival on Sunday September 8th.  A collaboration with the city of Pleasant Hill to get ready for biking to school this year.

Click the images or check out our Instagram (@bike.phe) to find out more information

Walk 'n Roll Wednesdays

Walk and Roll Wednesday is our active transportation program that uses barcode scanning  technology to track students mileage, trips and emissions saved by walking or rolling to school.  Whether you walk or roll to school, your student can be a part of Walk 'n Roll Wednesday! 

BEST  PART FOR PARENTS: The scan sends an optional notification to care takers that their child has scanned in at  school. PLUS, the barcode will stick with your child until they graduate PHE…so this is a one and done registration process.

Sign up your Dino

NOTE: If your children previously participated in Walk'n Roll Wednesday, you don't need to register again. The information rolls over from year-to-year. Simply transfer your child's Walk'n Roll scan tag to their new backpack if needed.

Complete these two-steps to sign your up you student for Walk'n Roll Wednesday:

Getting Involved

This program runs on volunteer participation. If you are able to scan children before school from 7:30-8:10am please sign up here! 

What time should I show up?

Please come to the bike shed at PHE at 7:30am on your designated day. You will help the 5th grade scanners set up and be ready to start scanning by 7:45am.

Who do I contact for help?


Dino charms!

'Trip charms' are small dinos that are given as rewards for student participation. Students get one dino-charm for every 4 scan-in rides they complete, this is an average of one charm earned per month

'Special charms' are available to participants on a particular Walk 'n Roll Wednesday to celebrate something extra special, like the end of the school year or an overlapping holiday. The special charms will be announced on eNews and on our Bike.PHE instagram page.

Students can add them to their scan tag ring.

Map an incident

Street Story  is a community engagement tool that allows residents, community groups and agencies to collect information about transportation crashes, near-misses, general hazards and safe locations to travel. Street Story is free to use and publicly accessible.

Street Story features a survey where people can record travel experiences. Once a record has been entered, the information is publicly accessible on the website with maps and tables that can be downloaded

Please use Street Story to record your information about commuting to PHE

5th Grade Scan Team

This leadership opportunity for 5th graders is very popular. Students are divided into four groups, with each group helping out once every 4 weeks. Students arrive at school by 7:35am  on their Wednesday to help set up.

Group and Start Date

Group A:  8/28, 9/25, 10/30, 12/4, 1/15, 2/12, 3/12, 4/16,  5/14

Group B:  9/4, 10/2, 11/6, 12/11, 1/22, 2/19, 3/19, 4/23, 5/21

Group C:  9/11, 10/16, 11/13, 12/18, 1/29, 2/26, 3/26, 4/30, 5/28

Group D: 9/18, 10/23, 11/20, 1/ 8, 2/ 5, 3/ 5, 4/2, 5/7

Lunch meetings: First Thursday of the month.

Being  a part of the scan club is a year long commitment. We understand that children may not be able to attend every Wednesday Walk’n Roll they are assigned to or lunch meeting but it is expected they will attend the majority and notify BikePHE leaders when unable to attend. In return for their hard work and volunteer leadership they receive a special Bike.PHE hoodie.  For all children that fulfill this commitment the hoodie is provided free from the PHE PTA. Should any child not fulfill their commitment please note parents may be asked to reimburse the cost. You can print the permission slip here and have your student bring the signed permission slip to school. We look forward to working with your 5th grader!


Head over to the PHE PTA store to purchase Bike.PHE sweatshirts and t-shirts: click here to go to the spirit wear store